Ryan Ko

Chair and Director of UQCyber

Professor Ryan Ko is Chair and Director of UQCyber at the University of Queensland, Australia. He is also an adjunct professor at the Singapore Institute of Technology, and affiliate faculty member at the Idaho State University, USA. With 15+ years of experience in applied research, commercialization, and ministerial advisory roles across Singapore, Australia, NZ, USA, Tonga, ISO, ORCID, and INTERPOL, his research focuses on restoring data control to users. His research has been adopted globally, including by CERN, INTERPOL, Hewlett-Packard, and Apple. He has led Australian and NZ competitive grants totalling $20 million as lead investigator, and contributed to $40+ million as co-investigator, published 100+ papers (including venues such as NeurIPS, WWW, ESORICS), and Q1 journals like IEEE Trans. on Dependable & Secure Computing, IEEE Trans. On Smart Grids, and 4 PCT patents. He authored NZ's Level-6 National Cyber Security Curriculum, and co-founded the NZ (2014), Oceania (2021), and International Cybersecurity Challenges (2022). He is a regular expert commentator on the Australian and NZ media on major cybersecurity incidents, and has addressed the NZ Parliament, Republic of Korea National Assembly, and the UN Special Rapporteur on Data Privacy about data control, privacy and security. As editor of ISO/IEC 21878 (Virtualized Server Security) and ISO/IEC AWI 5181 (Data Provenance), Ko represents Enterprise Singapore as an expert at the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27, the premier standards body for cybersecurity, and served as Co-Chair of Singapore TR106 Tiered cybersecurity standards for enterprises. Ko received his BEng (Hons) and PhD from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. For his contributions to the cloud security and cyber security industry, he was elected as a Fellow of Cloud Security Alliance, and a Fellow of the Queensland Academy of Arts and Sciences.

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