Remote and Vulnerable Communities Resilience

Little is understood about the needs of individuals that confront deception risks in remote and rural Australia.

Research Priority 5 (RP5)

IDCARE continues to undertake prevention and response clinics across many regional and remote communities. This work reinforces the presence of crimes of deception across every community, impacting all Australians. However, the orientation of prevention, awareness and response is very much weighted towards community members that live in more populated areas where English is a first language. Little is understood about the cultural and community needs of individuals that confront deception risks and need effective response where customs, norms, languages and experiences are very different to accepted practices of Government and corporates that tend to focus efforts on densely populated, English-speaking centres. To advance community resilience in remote areas and across more vulnerable communities, including non-English speakers, people living with disabilities, and people living in remote communities, this research priority encourages applicants that have a genuine interest in listening to the needs of diverse populations, understanding cultural and community norms, and examining one or more of the following questions:


RP5.1 How does crimes of deception translate within customary practice and laws of First Nations communities? What are the customary and criminal law considerations, connections and conflicts?

RP5.2 How can an understanding of customary law and practice better inform prevention and response measures to scams, data breaches, cybercrimes or other related crimes for criminal justice actors, government policy makers, and corporate stakeholders?

RP5.3 What are the practical, cultural and other influences on the effectiveness of prevention and response measures to crimes of deception (including cybercrimes, scams, and identity crimes)?

RP5.4 From a comparative law perspective, and on the basis of self-determination, what can be understood in terms of community practices and needs for preventing and responding to the breach of personal information across remote communities?

RP5.5 How does the extension or absence of extension of prevention and response measures to particular communities amplify vulnerability to crimes of deception? Consideration should be given the culturally and linguistically diverse communities and/or members of society with disabilities.